Tips For Mitigating Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain

Posted on: 28 March 2023

Plantar fasciitis is a prevalent condition that affects individuals of all ages. It is caused by inflammation in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue stretching across the foot's bottom. Symptoms often include sharp pain in the heel or arch area and tenderness when standing or walking for extended periods. It is crucial to address plantar fasciitis because it can lead to long-term complications such as chronic pain and difficulty walking. 

What Are Footwear Inserts?

Footwear inserts are orthotic devices designed to provide additional cushioning and foot support. They are available in various shapes, sizes, and materials and can be customized to accommodate an individual's specific needs. Selecting the appropriate type of footwear insert can be challenging, but it ultimately depends on your particular symptoms and lifestyle. For instance, if you experience severe pain throughout the day, consider gel or foam inserts that offer extra cushioning. If you have flat feet, you may require rigid orthotics that provide arch support.

Using footwear inserts boasts numerous benefits, such as reducing pressure on sore areas and improving alignment, which aids in pain management caused by plantar fasciitis symptoms. Footwear inserts also provide an added layer of comfort for individuals who must stand or walk on hard surfaces throughout their workday.

How Do Footwear Inserts Help Manage Plantar Fasciitis Pain?

When a person has inflamed plantar fascia tissue, every step creates microscopic tears, adding stress to the already damaged tissue. Footwear inserts have been proven to support the foot arch, which alleviates tension on the plantar fascia and reduces the pain caused by walking. To achieve maximum relief from shoe inserts, use them when standing or walking for extended periods.

What Are The Differences Between Foot Supports And Orthotics?

Foot supports are non-customizable inserts designed primarily for shock absorption, while orthotics are medically prescribed devices created by a foot specialist tailored to an individual's unique physical characteristics, including material composition and shape. Orthotics are generally more expensive than footwear inserts but offer better alignment solutions due to their personalized design options.

Professional customized orthotics provide greater accuracy in addressing specific individual needs than over-the-counter varieties. However, a less expensive option with lower specificity may be suitable for people who do not require a higher level of precision.

Other Plantar Fascia Management Options

Stretching exercises can strengthen the muscles surrounding the tissue affected by inflammation, preventing future injuries and providing much-needed relief. In severe cases of plantar fasciitis, surgery may be a necessary final solution to alleviate symptoms. Considering surgical options should follow a medical professional's recommended course of treatment.

Contact a local podiatrist to learn more about plantar fasciitis relief.
